Email Validation

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can spread brand awareness, increase your website traffic and boost your turnover, but only if you’re using it correctly. If email marketing is important to your business, it’s essential that you follow some best practices before you proceed with your campaigns. When not used tactfully, email marketing can seriously damage your brand’s reputation. If your IP gets blacklisted and you’re stuck in more spam traps than you can count, it can take double the effort to get out of the trouble you’re in and start sending out campaigns again. Email validation is one best practice that you can implement to help keep your email campaigns on track in order to meet your marketing goals.

What is email validation exactly?

As you build your email list, you can sometimes end up with a number of invalid email addresses. An invalid email address could have the incorrect formatting, not exist or belong to a spam trap.

Email address validation entails removing harmful records that could lead to bounced emails or being marked as a spammer.

Our email validation services

When Verify Rocket validates your email addresses we remove the following types of records from your email list: - Spam Traps - Bounces - Complainers - Litigators - Duplicates - Departmentals - Botclickers and More

Benefits of email validation

Validating your emails is another crucial step in the email campaign process. Here are just some of the reasons why you should be implementing it in your business:

1. Reduced bounce rates. By removing invalid email addresses from your list, you dramatically decrease your bounce rates and increase the chances of reaching more recipients. This will in turn result in more clicks and higher open rates.

2. Lower your email marketing costs. If you are making use of an email service provider to send out your campaigns, not sending to invalid email addresses will help lower your monthly costs.

3. Avoid spam traps. By validating each of your email addresses you can avoid sending your campaign to a recipient that could potentially mark you as a spammer. Email address validation will keep your brand’s reputation strong so that you can get better results out of your campaigns without running into spam related issues.

Why choose UnityFull to validate your email list?

With a static list of hard bounces that stands at over 100 million, we are able to offer our clients reliable and accurate email validation services. We also have the largest, most comprehensive list of up to date spam traps in our industry. We strive to help each of our clients achieve better ROIs and conversion rates by helping them verify and validate their email lists.

The UnityFull team has over 10 years of experience in the industry and we are known for our unrivalled customer service and response times. Click here to find out more about our email validation services and start benefitting from improved delivery and lower email marketing costs.

Budget Friendly

With operate one of the most accurate services in the industry with rates as low as .001 per record.

Full Verification

Check mx record, spamtraps, bounces, litigators and more quickly and effectively with the same software our enterprise clients use.

Simple & Secure

Easily verify your data by uploading it into our servers hosted in SSAE II certified facilities.

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