Email Verification

The evolution of online marketing has seen email marketing take a leading role when it comes to engaging with customers and generating sales. Sending out emails to new and existing customers requires a unique strategy in order for brands to be relevant and excel. There are a number of different aspects that email marketers need to take into account when creating their campaigns, developing their landing pages and managing their databases, and email verification is one of them.

What is email verification exactly?

Anyone who has an email address has taken part in the email verification process at one point or another. When you sign up for a newsletter or opt-in to receive emails from a company, you will usually receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. This is one form of email verification. The second way that emails can be verified is to use an email verification tool that checks whether emails are valid and can be delivered to. Email verification ensures that each of your subscribers did opt-in to receiving emails from your business and that you won’t run into problems communicating with them in the future.

Our email verification services

When UnityFull verifies your email addresses we remove the following types of records from your email list:

- Bounces (Hard, transient or soft)

- Vacation Emails

- Challenge Responses

- Replies from List Servers

- Mail Block Relays

- Forwarders

- False Positives

Benefits of email verification

There are several reasons why email verification is such an important step in your email marketing process and why you should be implementing it in your own business.

1. Maximize your return on investment. By verifying your emails you ensure that you’re getting the best possible ROI on your marketing budget. Verification removes invalid email addresses that could potentially lead to low deliverability rates and budgetary wastage.

2. Protect your brand. Having a clean email list means you significantly reduce the chance of being blacklisted. By verifying the emails on your list you protect your IP and the integrity of your brand.

3. Improve your marketing campaigns. When your email list and data is accurate you can send out better targeted campaigns. A clean list will help you segment your subscribers and send them emails that are more relevant to them, which in turn will benefit your brand’s reputation and turnover.

4. Keep your customers informed. Having a list filled with verified emails means your valued customers are kept informed at all times. Whether it’s about an upcoming sale or a change to your product line, a verified email means your customer is always in the know.

Why choose UnityFull to verify your email list?

We at UnityFull are passionate about email marketing and data so we’ve developed the best possible email data solutions for your business, regardless of the size of your email list. UnityFull stands out because we have over 10 years of experience in the industry and our customer service and response time is unrivaled. We also have the largest static list of hard bounces in the industry that stands at over 100 million, which means our email verification process is efficient and accurate. Click here to find out more about our email verification services and start benefitting from improved delivery and ROI.

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